Joshua, Victoria, Silas, Declan, & Amelia

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Allergy update

Declan had a consultation with the allergist on the 15th and we scheduled an appointment for a scratch test on the 22nd. They tested for peanuts, tree nuts, seeds, soy, cranberry, coconut, and eggs. Everything came back negative. While I'm relieved that there is no allergy, it makes me concerned for what happened three weeks ago.

The allergist had us get labs drawn to test his blood for the above allergens. The scratch test has a 4% margin of error, so this is the next step. She will call when the results are in. If they are still negative then we will move forward with caution and test again at age two. If it's negative again, then we'll slowly introduce nuts with caution.

The NP we saw said that it might have been a viral infection with impeccable timing. We may never know. This is good news over all though.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Yesterday Declan picked up a piece of a nut-cluster that Josh and Grammy were eating. It was either a cashew or an almond. Grammy tried to do the reach and sweep, but didn't manage to get it before he swallowed it.

I watched him closely and about ten minutes later a pin point rash started showing up on his chest, back, arms and scalp. Declan was pulling on his hair and I didn't understand why until I realized how broken out it was. Josh called the nurses line and she said if he was having breathing problems that we should call 911. He wasn't showing any signs of breathing distress so we got him in the car to go to the  Pediatric Urgent Care up the road.

We reported a possible nut allergic reaction and they got us back there quickly to check his airways and pulse ox. It was 99% so they were not concerned his airways were being blocked. We waited for what seemed like forever to been seen, even though it wasn't long. The doctor came in and said she thought it was likely a mild nut allergy and gave him an oral steroid and Benadryl. We have to call our regular doctor on Monday and see if she has an recommendation for an allergist. We'll have to have a panel done to see if it was the nuts and which ones and how sever it is.

Declan was a good sport most of the time. Eventually he had his limit and just wanted to go home. We did too! He has an oral steroid to take for the next few days and a script for an epi pen jr. in case it happens again and it's worse. Those things are so expensive, but I'm glad we'll have one on hand. 

Right now I'm just thinking about having to monitor everything he eats and keep things away from him. I'm trying not to freak out until we have more answers, but it's hard not to! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

11 months!

Declan is 11 months old! He is thinking the same thing I am; "How is this even a possibility!?"

This month Declan has been working on cruising around the furniture and experimenting more with letting go while standing. He is fast and I don't think it will be long before he starts trying to walk. His longest standing time has been about 30 seconds before toppling over. He gets very upset that he doesn't have the balance yet. 

He is looking so much like a toddler now and less like a little baby! He and Silas look very similar with their chubby cheeks and deep set Willingham eyes. Declan's dark looks are so different from Silas' lighter ones. One thing is certain, Declan is in need of a haircut, just as much as Silas did at this age. That will come next month though! 

We took a trip up to Bearizona at the beginning of the month and Declan got car sick for the first time. I have to remind myself that when we go on road trips that I need to pack everyone a change of clothes. Unfortunately I learned the hard way, that if I hold a sick baby, that baby will puke on me. Even though it was messy, I think we all had a good time. 

Declan also got his first yeast rash, which resulted in a sick visit to the doctor and extended period time in disposable diapers while we cleared it up. This coincided with his first extended stay away from mom and dad while Josh and I went on our first solo out of town trip since before Declan was born. He did great by the way! Grammy took care of Declan while Bubby and Honey took care of Silas. It was a nice trip away, although we missed both the boys greatly! 

The rest of July was spent getting ready to go back to work and spending as much time as we could hanging out at the children's museum and other indoor play places. It was a short summer, but with Declan being so close to a year it was spend having a good time!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Silas goes to preschool!

Silas started preschool today! My first baby is getting so big! 

First day of preschool! July 28th, 2014

"When I grow up, I want to... Dive the trains." 

Josh and I drove him together on the first day. Silas really didn't want to take many pictures and he walked right in and got involved right away with an activity! He didn't shed a single tear, and I'm proud to say that "Monny" didn't either. 

Outside the center.

Outside his classroom "Pre-K B"

Joining friends at the manipulative table. 

I told him that we were leaving and he said "Bye, Monny. You'll pick me up later? Okay, bye!" 

He had a really good first day too. He said he played. I believe it! He went to bed early and slept through the night! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Family is my favorite!

I truly love our family photos! I'm very lucky to have my three guys! 

Friday, July 4, 2014

10 months old!

Happy 4th of July! Declan is 10 months old!

Our Kentucky trip last month did wonders for Declan's development and growth. I believe it's because he was able to see his cousins at work and wanted to keep up himself. 

Declan now crawls on hands and knees, and boy is he fast! He also pulls himself up into standing position, cruises along furniture and has experimented with letting go. So far he has only been able to stand unassisted for about 5 seconds before falling on his bottom. He tries very hard to pull himself up, but doesn't get past kneeling, although he has this funny plank that he does where it looks like he is trying to propel himself with his hands. That doesn't quite work for him either! The other day he attempted to climb stairs. The gates are going up for sure!

Declan is becoming more interested in table foods. He likes yogurt, puffs, poofs, bread, baked goods, soft fruits and veggies in tiny bits, and most recently, pork and ice cream. He puts everything in his mouth. I feel like he does this more often than Silas ever did. I've had to do the reach and sweep several times because he tries to eat foods off his brother's plate! The majority of his diet is still breast milk and formula, but it's great that he is trying new things! 

He had three words now. Declan says, Dada, Mama and now Papa. He has a variety of sounds but Dada, Mama, and Papa seem to be intentional. We are trying to teach him the signs for Milk, more, eat, and all done. Silas is being a great helper and models the signs for him constantly. Declan gets very excited and will clap when we say "yay!" and lifts up his arms when we say "up". 

Much to Silas' dismay, Declan is also gaining more interest in playing, or rather destroying, his brother's creations. He's baby Godzilla most days and will knock over Silas' trains and city, but Silas has learned to give Declan one or two toys to keep him from "messing up" his trains. 

Our boys couldn't be more different, yet so similar. Declan is much smaller than his brother was at this age. Silas was well into 18 month clothing, while Declan is just outgrowing some of his 9 month stuff. They have very similar features, but they are their own persons. This is true in personality as well. Silas was so serious and quiet. Declan is happy, but mischievous already! He gets into everything and makes his presence known! 

I know the next two months are going to fly by! He is already so much more like a toddler and less like a baby. Goodness knows that the binki and the bottle will be tough for him to give up. Declan is attached to that binki and sometimes it's hard to catch a picture of him without it in his mouth or near by! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Kentucky Trip

June 10 - 17

The boys and I flew to Kentucky with Mema, Papa, Uncle Russ, Aunt Andi and the triplet cousins to visit family.

We had an insane delay out of Phoenix and our plane didn't take off until almost six pm, five hours after our scheduled flight. We had a gradual delay so we couldn't even leave and come back later. We blocked off a section with bags to keep all four babies contained and everyone took turns walking around with Silas to keep him busy. Once we got on the plane we had an uneventful flight, which is exactly the type of flight you hope for.

All five of the boys did really well until we departed the plane and had to get the rental and pack up into the van. Everyone was super cranky but eventually fell asleep once we got on the road to Owensboro. Little Shawn made it until about half an hour away from the hotel, but thankfully he didn't wake anyone up. We finally got to the hotel and settled in to bed around 3 am KY time (midnight our time) and we were all up by 8 am.

After breakfast and a trip to The Walmart, we headed over to Aunt Nell's. We spent a lot of time at Aunt Nell's house, which made Silas very happy because all of the cousins he got to meet and play with. Mom was happy because she got to see two of her sisters and many of her nieces and nephews. It was pretty stormy and we were nervous because the next day we planned on going to Holiday world. The rain cleared up though.

Holiday World was so exciting. Silas rode several rides with Mom and Dad and we had lunch in a kid friendly area where he rode his first roller coaster. After we went to the water park and had a blast going down slides and playing in the wading pools. Silas did great and so did the babies. We stayed until closing and had a very late dinner when we got back into town.

We met Uncle Sam for breakfast the next morning. After paying respects to Grandma Cotton, Granddad Vic, Uncle Vic, and Uncle Mark we went back to Aunt Nell's for lunch and watched movies/worked on laundry until Friday after Five at this amazing park by the river. Silas had a blast playing in the splash pad and all over the playground equipment.

On Saturday we had the family reunion bbq. Uncle Frank got into a motorcycle accident so mom and all the siblings missed most of the festivities. Silas had a blast playing with all the kids his age and I enjoyed showing Declan off and chatting with my own cousins. When mom and the rest of the siblings came back things were winding down and we stayed to help with the clean up. We got some great family pictures by the pond before heading back to the hotel for the night.

Sunday, which was father's day, we hung out at Aunt Debbie's house and then had dinner out. We took up almost the entire patio! Unfortunately we had really poor service when we arrived at the restaurant (and by the general manager of all people!), but we spent the evening chatting and eating before going back to Aunt Nell's to finish up laundry. We didn't get back to the hotel until real late and we didn't sleep much because we were trying to get everything situated for our trip back down to Tennessee.

We ended up getting on the road about two hours later than planned, but were able to get down to Great Aunt Pat's (or maybe it was Peggy's) in time for dinner. The boys started to get real cranky after we ate, so we went back to the hotel and repacked bags so that they met weight requirements for the flight back home. We made a few detours before reaching the airport the next afternoon, but we didn't have any issues with delays so we got home on time. We had a very rude lady who made it publicly known she didn't like kids and was upset that the only available seats were next to infants. All of the boys slept the entire flight back to Phoenix, so she made a fuss for nothing.

The boys were so happy to see Josh at the airport! Andi had some battery issues with her van at the airport and we almost had to head back to pick them up, but fortunately someone was able to jump them so they got back home too.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nine months old!

Declan is nine months old! How has it been 2/3 of a year already?! My baby is getting so big and on the go constantly. He is full on crawling now, but frequently switches back to army crawling. He sits himself up and has just started to pull himself up. We had to remove the bassinet attachment from the pack and play and I need to lower the crib mattress as well. Declan has both his bottom teeth and the top two have broken though. He hasn't shown much interest in food beyond purees. Solid foods become more sensory play and most of it lands on the floor or in the high chair.

The difference are really starting to become more apparent in my two boys, but they are still so similar! The Davis genes run deep in these two, but there are still touches of their daddy there, too. Silas has Josh's heavy brow line and chubby checks, while Declan has his deep eyes, oval shaped face, and also his chubby cheeks. Though, they get those from me too. I really ought to get baby pictures of Josh from his dad and post comparisons of the boys to both of our baby pictures. 

Declan had a fun month! We went swimming several times, celebrated big brother's birthday, and ate lots of new foods (puffs, black beans, whole grain rice and fresh melon, to name a few). 

Later this month we'll be going on an airplane for Declan's first trip to Kentucky. Both boys, the triplets, my sister and brother will be flying with Mema and Papa to visit family back east. It should be an adventure for sure!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Celebrating Silas!

On Silas' birthday we asked him what he wanted to do and he said "Go to a restaurant". We decided to go to Dillon's at the Wildlife World Zoo and invited his best buddy, Evan, and Evan's family to join us. We had a big cookie instead of a cake. It was a big hit. Declan broke a plate, and then the table next to us had a baby break a plate, so it was as if we were in Greek restaurant instead of Kansas City BBQ.  Silas and Evan enjoyed playing next to the shark tank, but we didn't visit the aquarium because we were all tired from work. 

We celebrated Silas' birthday with a Monster Jam party at Huny and Bubby's house a few weekends later. Silas invited several of his best buds and family to come swim and play. We had an indestructible pinata which all the kids enjoyed beating on. Eventually we just had to rip it open so they kiddos could get to the noise makers and candy. 

Huny out did herself this year! She made Silas a pretty amazing monster jam cake. It was delicious! Silas was super excited about his new monster jam toys, but didn't eat much of the cake. He still isn't big on sweets, even at four. We ended the party after opening gifts and passing out goody bags. Silas was very spoiled with all of the cool truck and car toys. I'm still trying to play catch up with the end of the school year/transitions into summer, but thank you notes will be sent out soon! 

 I think Silas is excited to be another year older and is looking forward to this year! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Silas is four!

How is this little man already four years old?

I remember his labor and birth as though it happened yesterday. I blinked my eyes and he turned four. Silas is my little ham. He loves laughing, trucks, cars, trains, reading books, and playing outside. He has become quite the helpful big brother and becoming more independent. 

We finally tackled the potty training thing. I never thought he was going to learn, but I'm comfortable saying that he is officially trained. He has the occasional accident, but they are far and few between. 

This school year he will be going to preschool and he is very excited about playing with the kids. I swear a stranger is just a friend Silas hasn't met yet. He loves playing and is never afraid to ask someone to play with him. In addition to preschool, Silas will be going to Sunday school and attending the big church with Josh and I. This also means Declan will start in the nursery. 

There are so many exciting things for Silas to learn this year and I can't wait to watch him grow and discover! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Eight Months old

Declan is 8 months old! 

He is cutting upper teeth, starting to sleep more consistently, and army crawling all over the place! He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth, but doesn't seem to coordinate it with a crawl.  I'm sure he'll be there with it soon enough. In the meantime, we can't put him on the floor unsupervised at all. He is particularly fond of the door stop springs and power cords. It's time to baby proof the house! 

When I compare Silas and Declan I can see so many similarities. Look at that scraggly hair! I will not be waiting a year to cut Declan's. I imagine he'll be getting one very soon! I love that they share the chubby cheeks and button nose, but have different shades of blue eyes and brown hair. I can't wait to see what they look like in a few years, but don't want to speed up the aging process! 

This month we were super busy! We spent a long weekend in Greer and we didn't plan for how cold it was going to be or the snow that was falling! They boys took their first shared bath. Declan loves the bathtub just as much as Silas did (and still does!). Grandpa Great came down for a visit. I love that my grandpa is so involved with the boys. He loves his great grandchildren so much! Easter was very busy, but I think Declan enjoyed his basket and discovering the plastic eggs. 

Next month he'll be nine months and we'll have a well baby check. I'm excited to see his growth. So far he's been on the small size, but there isn't anything wrong with that! 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Seven months

Declan is 7 months old! 

He is sitting up all on his own, but can't quite pull himself into a sitting position. He pulls, pivots, and rolls himself where he wants to go. I can foresee him crawling very soon though. He is pushing himself into the push up position and getting onto his knees. Next step is rocking and then crawling! 

 There are so many similarities to his big brother, but such distinct differences. Silas has fairer hair, but Declan has fairer skin. They have adorable chubby cheeks and sweet smiles. 

 Declan's seventh month was pretty busy. We said good bye to our beloved associate rector, Licia, as she left to head her own church in Georgia. Declan learned how to sit up unassisted, so he now sits in the stroller like a big boy. He also had his first taste of real food. Right now he is a huge fan of carrots and peas. I hope this sticks with him. It's so hard to get his big brother to eat anything besides chicken. 
 Although Declan doesn't want his big brother to steal his lime light, I can't help but brag about Silas. He may not pose for many pictures these days, but every once in a while I get a good picture of him. We have been working very hard on potty training with him. It's been a trial of frustration and errors, but he's 90% got it. We just need to bridge the gap. We hope he'll be 100% by July because we enrolled him in preschool. That gives us about 3 months to get him ready to go! 

We took a trip up to Greer this month, so I'll try to get those pictures up soon! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Half a year!

Declan is six months old today. Josh and I can not believe that he's been here for half a year already. We swear that it goes by so much faster the second time around. It's like we blinked and half a year had flown by.

Declan is such a happy guy! He is always smiling and giggling. He rarely gets upset and usually only cries when he is hungry or dirty. He loves his brother and all of his grandparents. 

Silas and Declan look so much alike. I feel like Declan is looking more and more like his big brother, except for the hair and ears. Declan has his daddy's ears for sure. At six months Silas was already sitting unsupported. Declan is working towards that. He is able to sit up for a few moments, but then falls over to the side. He is also still fitting comfortably in six month clothing, while Silas was well into nine and some twelve month at this age. 

This month has brought us yo yo weather. It's cool in the morning and warm in the afternoons. He starts off in long sleeves and usually is down to a diaper by the evening time. Declan is starting to show signs of early crawling. He pushes himself on his knees and then scoots himself backwards. He also is very good at the baby push up and gets his entire torso off the ground. Even though he isn't sitting on his own, I wonder if he'll start crawling earlier than his big brother. 

We are really excited because we made it six months on breast milk thanks to many generous donors. While we will continue to give him breast milk as we acquire it, we will be introducing formula in small amounts until he is on it 100%.  We have Declan's six month appointment in two weeks and will start talking about introducing solid foods. He grabs food off our plates, so I think he's ready, but I don't want to go to rice cereal like we did with Silas. 

This coming month I have spring break and hopefully we'll have lots of opportunity for pictures. I feel like I don't take nearly enough of Declan. When I get a chance I'll compile a few recent pictures of Silas. As he gets older he is less inclined to sit for pictures. He is way too busy doing all the things little boys want to do. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

5 months old!

 Declan is five months old! 

You can see the similarities so clearly here. Silas was much bigger though. Declan is only in six month clothing, while the outfit Silas has on is nine months. 

In this last month we celebrated the up coming birth of a new baby, finding our feet, and noming on our hands. We introduced the bouncer and enjoy "dancing" to music. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Declan is four months old!

Declan turned 4 months old today!

Declan has recently discovered his feet and is rolling from back to belly with ease. He is also a drool machine! We have his 4 month appointment scheduled on the 13th. I'm looking forward to seeing his growth stats. If I had to guess, I would say he is roughly 13 pounds. 

Declan is also going through the dreaded four month sleep regression, which is very unfortunate. I was still at home full time when Silas went through it. I'm not sure how I will survive since winter break is over and I'm back in the throw of things on Monday

Although he looks very similar to his brother, Declan is definitely looking more like his own person. I was just telling Josh how much smaller he seems than Silas. Declan is just now starting to fill out his three month clothing and fitting in 3-6 months. Silas was well into 6 month clothing at this point. 

We had a lot of fun this month. We went to zoo lights twice, Glendale Glitters, the tree lighting at Westgate and spent Christmas at a cabin in Greer. Declan's first holiday season was a whirlwind of excitement for sure.