Joshua, Victoria, Silas, Declan, & Amelia

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas at the Cabin

We were very fortunate this year to spend Christmas in Greer, AZ with Bubby and Huny (Josh's dad and step mom). They rented a cabin for a week and we spent the entire week with them.

We drove up in the morning on the 21st. There was a large snow storm the day before and it was still snowing as we drove up. It took us considerably longer than the projected four hours. Josh pulled over along the way to help a woman who spun out on the ice and we stopped for lunch and coffee along the way.

It was starting to get dark when we pulled into Greer and had found out that we need four wheel drive to get up to our cabin, which none of us had. We were real fortunate and were able to get a ride by the lodge staff. Silas was so excited by the snow on the ground, but it was too late to play.

Josh's step brother Kevin came up on Sunday with his quad and we relied on that all week to get us up and down the hill we were staying up on. He just dropped off some things and had to go back to Phoenix until Christmas Eve. We never did get our cars up, although when Kevin came back up he was able to pull in at the bottom of the long driveway.

Josh's other step brother, BJ, his fiance Desiree and our nephew William came up with Kevin mid afternoon on Christmas Eve. Silas was happy to have William to play with, even though he is 15 years older than he is.

Most of our trip was spent playing scrabble, reading or playing out in the snow. Bubby, Silas and I made a gingerbread train one afternoon and Josh and I took Silas sledding another. Josh and I rode the quad down a few time to try out some of the local dinning.

Christmas day the boys opened up their Christmas gifts and Silas was pretty much inseparable from his Lego cars and Pop the Pig game. Declan seemed to enjoy his teething toys too. Huny and I made ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, and drop biscuits for dinner and it was like having a little piece of home.

The entire week was very relaxed and laid back. We had such a great time away and were really sad to leave at the end of the week, but it was nice to be back home too.

A sample of our cabin life...

Christmas pictures

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