Joshua, Victoria, Silas, Declan, & Amelia

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weight gain!

Declan has been having weekly weight checks with his pediatrician because he lost so much weight after he was born.

The last  three visits he has gained a measly 2 oz or less per week. We were feeling very discouraged and had been doing lots of supplementation in the SNS and bottle as well as counting all wet and poopy diapers.

Today when we went in for our weekly check we had a huge surprise! Declan gained 8 oz in the last week! His doctor was so excited and dropped a few colorful words when expressing her joy. She told me she just prayed on the way to work that he would finally put on some weight.

I hope it's not a fluke. His doctor doesn't think it is so she doesn't want us to come back until the 21st of next month. She did his one month check so we didn't have to come back next week. I hope in three weeks he has put on 1-2 pounds. We are going to continue to supplement about 2.5 ounces at each feed and wake him up to eat so that he goes no more than 4 hours between eating.

It makes me so happy that he has finally put on some weight. He is less than an ounce from his birth weight. He doesn't seem much bigger to me though.

In other news... I got a sneak peek at the newborn photos that our friend Suzanne took. It's only one, but I'm so excited because the others I'm sure will look as amazing as this...

We are having pictures taken tomorrow as well. They are family photos with my entire family, including my three nephews. We are having them done at a studio vs an independent photographer so we'll have the pictures back the day of so I'll post them in the next day or two. 

We are having them done tomorrow because my sister, brother in law, and my nephews are moving back to California this coming weekend. I'm so bummed. I've gotten so use to them being here and seeing them so regularly. We probably won't seem them again until November and that is only if they are able to make it to Declan's baptism and then again in December for a doctor's appointment. We already know they won't be in town for Christmas because John is the new guy. We are planning on doing our Christmas in January when the boys come back for surgery. 

Stay tuned for the cuteness that will ensue (and say a thought or a prayer that Silas will be cooperative when it comes to pictures with all four babies!)

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