Joshua, Victoria, Silas, Declan, & Amelia

Thursday, August 29, 2013

41 weeks and some change

I've reached the point in this pregnancy that I am more pregnant than I was with Silas.

The good news is my body has done more on it's own this time than it did when I was pregnant with Silas.

I've decided that tomorrow will be my last day at work. I will not return until the end of November, or possibly the first week of December. I also have another OB appointment tomorrow and I hope to hear some good news.

Just to recap the last week or so....

I had an OB appointment on the 20th and my OB asked me to have an NST as I reached my EDD. I went in for the NST/AFI on Saturday the 24th .

NST stands for Non Stress Test and AFI stands for Amniotic Fluid Index. Both tests are non-invasive. The AFI is done by an ultrasound tech and is a short ultrasound that measures the amniotic fluid. The baby's position and movements are also evaluated. The fluid is measured in centimeters. An average score is 6-24 cm. The NST is done by placing two monitors on the outside of the belly and they listen to fetal heart tones and assesses for contractions. If baby's heart rate accelerates spontaneously twice in twenty minutes then the baby passes the test.

Declan passed with flying colors on Saturday (2 accelerations within 10 minutes and 16.5cm of fluid), so I went on with my weekend and went back to the OB on Tuesday. I was(am) 75% effaced and my cervix is short, thin and soft. I'm not dilated though, but that is not a good indicator of birth. I could dilate 0 to 10 withing hours.

I went in for another NST/AFI after the appointment and once again he passed (2 accelerations within 10 minutes and 19cm of fluid). I go back to the OB tomorrow and will have another NST/AFI afterwards. If there are no  changes or concerns then I will wait until Monday. Monday I'll have another NST/AFI and then I will have a conversation with my OB about the next steps. I'll be 42 weeks on the 3rd and even I am a bit nervous about going past 42 weeks. At that point I may agree to a medicated induction, but I really am hoping that I won't need to. My plan is to have a completely un-medicated birth, but obviously I will do things that I need to if I have to do it.

My hopes are that I will leave work tomorrow and be fully relaxed knowing that I won't be returning and that will give me the peace to relax enough for my body to do it's own thing.

Babies will do things on their own time and I don't want to rush my little Virgo. Who knows, maybe he is waiting to be a September baby?


  1. Thats great that he is taking his time coming out, its way better then being premature like my 2 sons have tried to be. Good luck with your appointments and don't let people bug you on how you're past what the EDD was. It's not like an EDD is a quarenteed date :)

  2. Make sure to schedule your nst around the improving birth rally ;) 10-12 on labor day! Wouldn't it be fun to go into labor on labor day? Congrats mama
